Standard residuals are not appropriate for models with random effects. Instead, one-step-ahead (OSA) residuals
can be used for evaluating model goodness-of-fit (Thygeson et al. (2017),
implemented in TMB::oneStepPredict
). OSA residual options
are passed to TMB::oneStepPredict
in a list osa.opts
. Current options are method:
oneStepGaussianOffMode (default), oneStepGaussian, or oneStepGeneric, and parallel: TRUE/FALSE.
See TMB::oneStepPredict
for further details.
It is not recommended to run this function (or TMB::oneStepPredict
) with any random effects and
mvtweedie age composition likelihoods due to extensive computational demand. An error will be thrown in such cases.
See Trijoulet et al. (2023) for OSA methods for age composition OSA residuals.
osa.opts = list(method = "oneStepGaussianOffMode", parallel = TRUE),
sdrep_required = TRUE
A fit WHAM model, output from fit_wham
the same fit TMB model with additional elements for osa residuals:
data.frame returned by TMB::oneStepPredict
for environmental observations, if applicable.
data.frame returned by TMB::oneStepPredict
for aggregate catch and index
observations conditional on any environmental observations, if applicable.
data.frame returned by TMB::oneStepPredict
for age composition observations
conditional on any aggregate catch or index, or environmental observations, if applicable.
One-step-ahead residuals (if do.osa=TRUE
if (FALSE) {
data("input4_SNEMAYT") # load SNEMA yellowtail flounder data and parameter settings
mod <- fit_wham(input4_SNEMAYT, do.osa =FALSE, do.retro =FALSE)
mod <- make_osa_residuals(mod) # calculate Mohn's rho