In this vignette we show how to create input objects with prepare_wham_input, but without an ASAP .dat file. However, we will work from ASAP files and extract the necessary components. We compare models fit with asap inputs and those built without calling an asap object. This exercise is peformed for 1 and 2 stocks.
Load wham library and set up a directory for work
Create inputs for single stock model
and functions
specific to different model components (e.g., set_M
Create inputs for 2 stock, 2 region model
and functions
specific to different model components (e.g., set_M
If you have not already installed wham
, see the Introduction for
Open R and load the wham
Create a directory for this analysis:
# choose a location to save output, otherwise will be saved in working directory
write.dir <- "choose/where/to/save/output" #e.g., tempdir(check=TRUE)
For a clean, runnable .R
script, look at
in the example_scripts
of the wham
package. You can run this entire example script
wham.dir <- find.package("wham")
source(file.path(wham.dir, "example_scripts", "ex13_no_ASAP.R"))
Read the ASAP3 .dat file into R and create an input from it:
path_to_examples <- system.file("extdata", package="wham")
asap3 <- read_asap3_dat(file.path(path_to_examples,"ex2_SNEMAYT.dat"))
input <- prepare_wham_input(asap3)
We will extract all of the elements of the input
to create a wham input object without using to the asap3
object in prepare_wham_input
. To adapt this for an analysis
without an asap dat file, we only need to supply each of the element to
prepare_wham_input structured correctly.
There is a basic_info
argument to
that provides a list of various “basic”
model structure information:
basic_info <- list(
n_stocks = 1L,
n_seasons = 1L,
n_fleets = 1L,
ages = 1:input$data$n_ages,
n_fleets = input$data$n_fleets,
fracyr_SSB = cbind(input$data$fracyr_SSB), #(n_years x n_stocks)
maturity = input$data$mature, #(n_stocks x n_years x n_ages)
years = as.integer(input$years), #(n_years)
waa = input$data$waa, #(any no. x n_years x n_ages)
waa_pointer_ssb = input$data$waa_pointer_ssb, #(n_stocks)
spawn_regions = 1, #(n_stocks)
spawn_seasons = 1 #(n_stocks)
There is a catch_info
argument to
that provides a list of various catch
data and fleet information:
catch_info <- list(
n_fleets = NCOL(input$data$agg_catch), #(n_fleets)
agg_catch = cbind(input$data$agg_catch), #(n_years x n_fleets)
agg_catch_cv = cbind(sqrt(exp(input$data$agg_catch_sigma^2) - 1)), #(n_years x n_fleets)
catch_paa = input$data$catch_paa, #(n_fleets x n_years x n_ages)
use_catch_paa = cbind(input$data$use_catch_paa), #(n_years x n_fleets), 0: don't use, 1: use
catch_Neff = cbind(input$data$catch_Neff), #(n_years x n_fleets)
selblock_pointer_fleets = cbind(input$data$selblock_pointer_fleets), #(n_years x n_fleets)
waa_pointer_fleets = input$data$waa_pointer_fleets, #(n_fleets)
fleet_regions = rep(1,input$data$n_fleets) #(n_fleets)
Similarly, there is an index_info
argument to
that provides a list of various index
data and information:
index_info <- list(
n_indices = NCOL(input$data$agg_indices),
agg_indices = cbind(input$data$agg_indices), #(n_years x n_indices)
units_indices = input$data$units_indices, #(n_indices) 1: biomass 2: numbers
units_index_paa = input$data$units_index_paa, #(n_indices) 1: biomass 2: numbers
agg_index_cv = cbind(sqrt(exp(input$data$agg_index_sigma^2) - 1)), #(n_years x n_indices)
index_Neff = cbind(input$data$index_Neff), #(n_years x n_indices)
fracyr_indices = cbind(input$data$fracyr_indices), #(n_years x n_indices)
use_indices = cbind(input$data$use_indices), #(n_years x n_indices)
use_index_paa = cbind(input$data$use_index_paa), #(n_years x n_indices)
index_paa = input$data$index_paa, #(n_indices x n_years x n_ages)
selblock_pointer_indices = cbind(input$data$selblock_pointer_indices), #(n_years x n_indices)
waa_pointer_indices = input$data$waa_pointer_indices, #(n_indices)
index_regions = rep(1,input$data$n_indices)) #(n_indices)
Other arguments to prepare_wham_input
have elements that
deal with parameters of the model that may or may not be estimated and
may configure process errors. First, the selectivity
argument (see ?set_selectivity
sel_info <- list(model = rep("logistic",6), n_selblocks = 6,
fix_pars = list(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, 1:2, 1:2),
initial_pars = list(c(2,0.2),c(2,0.2),c(2,0.2),c(2,0.2),c(1.5,0.1),c(1.5,0.1)))
Then the M
argument (see ?set_M
). Here we
are specifying the initial values to use for annual natural mortalty at
age (by stock and region), but, by default it will not be estimated:
MAA <- exp(matrix(c(input$par$Mpars), length(basic_info$years), length(basic_info$ages), byrow = TRUE) +
c(input$par$M_re[1,1,,])) #(nstocks x n_regions x n_years x n_ages)
M_info <- list(initial_MAA = array(MAA, dim = c(1,1,length(basic_info$years), length(basic_info$ages))))
The F
argument (see ?set_F
). Here we are
specifying the initial values to use for the annual fully-selected
fishing mortality parameters for each fleet:
#initial values for annual fully-selected fishing mortality
F_info <- list(F = matrix(0.3, length(basic_info$years), catch_info$n_fleets)) #(n_years x n_fleets)
The q
argument (see ?set_q
). Here we are
specifying the initial values to use for the catchability of the
#initial values for fully-selected catchability
q_info <- list(initial_q = rep(1e-6, index_info$n_indices))
Finally the NAA_re
argument (see ?set_NAA
Here we are specifying the initial values to use for the parameters for
initial abundance at age:
Now, we can either create the input using all information at once:
#all at once
input_all <- prepare_wham_input(
basic_info = basic_info,
selectivity = sel_info,
catch_info = catch_info,
index_info = index_info,
NAA_re = NAA_info,
M = M_info,
F = F_info,
catchability = q_info)
Or we can create the input sequentially:
#piece by piece
input_seq <- prepare_wham_input(basic_info = basic_info)
input_seq <- set_NAA(input_seq, NAA_re = NAA_info)
input_seq <- set_M(input_seq, M = M_info)
input_seq <- set_catch(input_seq, catch_info = catch_info)
input_seq <- set_F(input_seq, F = F_info)
input_seq <- set_indices(input_seq, index_info = index_info)
input_seq <- set_q(input_seq, catchability = q_info)
input_seq <- set_selectivity(input_seq, selectivity = sel_info)
The functions for each component of the input allow the user to quickly change just one aspect of the model and leave everything else the same.
And the traditional use of the ASAP object to make the input:
input_asap <- prepare_wham_input(asap3, F = F_in, catchability = q_in, selectivity = sel_info)
First, let’s create the wham models without fitting them so the objective function is evaluated at the intial parameters. Note there are no process errors/random effects specified in these inputs.
nofit_all <- fit_wham(input_all, = FALSE)
nofit_seq <- fit_wham(input_seq, = FALSE)
nofit_asap <- fit_wham(input_asap, = FALSE)
Now evaluating the objective function (by default at the initial values), shows that the log-likelihoods are the same for each of the models from inputs created different ways:
c(nofit_all$fn(), nofit_seq$fn(),nofit_asap$fn()) #equal
c(sum(nofit_asap$par-nofit_all$par), sum(nofit_asap$par-nofit_seq$par) #all equal
#> [1] 71159.48 71159.48 71159.48
#> [1] 0 0
Also if we fit the models, we see that the maximized log-likelhoods are also identical:
fit_seq <- fit_wham(input_seq, do.retro = FALSE, do.osa = FALSE, do.sdrep = FALSE)
fit_all <- fit_wham(input_all, do.retro = FALSE, do.osa = FALSE, do.sdrep = FALSE)
fit_asap <- fit_wham(input_asap, do.retro = FALSE, do.osa = FALSE, do.sdrep = FALSE)
c(fit_seq$opt$obj, fit_all$opt$obj, fit_asap$opt$obj)
c(sum(fit_asap$opt$par-fit_all$opt$par), sum(fit_asap$opt$par-fit_seq$opt$par)) #all equal
#> [1] 1059.663 1059.663 1059.663
#> [1] 0 0
Read in the ASAP3 .dat files into R and create an input from it. WHAM will by default specify each ASAP dat file to represent a different stock in a separate region without movement:
diff_stocks_asap <- read_asap3_dat(file.path(path_to_examples,c("north.dat","south.dat")))
selectivity <- list(model = rep(c("logistic", "age-specific"),c(8,4)), n_selblocks = 12,
fix_pars = c(rep(list(NULL),8), list(2:8,3:8,3:8,2:8)),
initial_pars = c(rep(list(c(2,0.2)),8),list(rep(c(0.5,1),c(1,7)), rep(c(0.5,1),c(2,6)),rep(c(0.5,1),c(2,6)),rep(c(0.5,1),c(1,7)))))
input <- prepare_wham_input(diff_stocks_asap, selectivity = selectivity)
As for the single stock example, we will extract all of the elements
of the input
needed to create a wham input object without
using to the asap3
object in
The various list arguments to prepare_wham_input or model component functions are filled out with 2 stock and 2 region structure:
basic_info <- list(
n_stocks = 2L,
n_regions = 2L,
region_names <- c("North_r", "South_r"),
stock_names <- c("North_s", "South_s"),
ages = 1:input$data$n_ages,
n_seasons = 1L,
n_fleets = input$data$n_fleets,
fracyr_SSB = cbind(input$data$fracyr_SSB), #(n_years x n_stocks)
maturity = input$data$mature, #(n_stocks x n_years x n_ages)
years = as.integer(input$years),
waa = input$data$waa, #(any no. x n_years x n_ages)
waa_pointer_ssb = input$data$waa_pointer_ssb, #(n_stocks)
spawn_regions = 1:2, #(n_stocks)
spawn_seasons = c(1,1) #(n_stocks)
catch_info <- list(
n_fleets = NCOL(input$data$agg_catch), #(n_fleets)
agg_catch = cbind(input$data$agg_catch), #(n_years x n_fleets)
agg_catch_cv = cbind(sqrt(exp(input$data$agg_catch_sigma^2) - 1)), #(n_years x n_fleets)
catch_paa = input$data$catch_paa, #(n_fleets x n_years x n_ages)
use_catch_paa = cbind(input$data$use_catch_paa), #(n_years x n_fleets), 0: don't use, 1: use
catch_Neff = cbind(input$data$catch_Neff), #(n_years x n_fleets)
selblock_pointer_fleets = cbind(input$data$selblock_pointer_fleets), #(n_years x n_fleets)
waa_pointer_fleets = input$data$waa_pointer_fleets, #(n_fleets)
fleet_regions = rep(c(1:2),c(2,2)) #(n_fleets)
index_info <- list(
n_indices = NCOL(input$data$agg_indices),
agg_indices = cbind(input$data$agg_indices), #(n_years x n_indices)
units_indices = input$data$units_indices, #(n_indices) 1: biomass 2: numbers
units_index_paa = input$data$units_index_paa, #(n_indices) 1: biomass 2: numbers
agg_index_cv = cbind(sqrt(exp(input$data$agg_index_sigma^2) - 1)), #(n_years x n_indices)
index_Neff = cbind(input$data$index_Neff), #(n_years x n_indices)
fracyr_indices = cbind(input$data$fracyr_indices), #(n_years x n_indices)
use_indices = cbind(input$data$use_indices), #(n_years x n_indices)
use_index_paa = cbind(input$data$use_index_paa), #(n_years x n_indices)
index_paa = input$data$index_paa, #(n_indices x n_years x n_ages)
selblock_pointer_indices = cbind(input$data$selblock_pointer_indices), #(n_years x n_indices)
waa_pointer_indices = input$data$waa_pointer_indices, #(n_indices)
index_regions = rep(c(1:2),c(2,2))) #(n_indices)
#initial values for natural mortality, will not be estimated
MAA <- exp(input$par$M_re) #(nstocks x n_regions x n_years x n_ages)
for(i in 1:2) for(j in 1:2) MAA[i,j,,] <- MAA[i,j,,]*exp(matrix(input$par$Mpars[i,j,], length(basic_info$years), length(basic_info$ages), byrow = TRUE))
M_info <- list(initial_MAA = MAA)
#initial values for annual fully-selected fishing mortality
F_info <- list(F = matrix(0.3, length(basic_info$years), catch_info$n_fleets)) #(n_years x n_fleets)
#initial values for fully-selected catchability
q_info <- list(initial_q = rep(1e-6, index_info$n_indices))
#recruitment and "survival" random effects, initial N configuration is equilibrium (estimate initial recruitment and equilibrium fully-selected F), and inital median recruitment parameters
NAA_list <- list(sigma = "rec+1", N1_model = rep("equilibrium",2), recruit_pars = list(exp(10),exp(10)))
Then create the inputs 3 different ways as above:
#all at once
input_all <- prepare_wham_input(
basic_info = basic_info,
NAA_re = NAA_list,
selectivity = selectivity,
catch_info = catch_info,
index_info = index_info,
M = M_info,
F = F_info,
catchability = q_info)
#piece by piece
input_seq <- prepare_wham_input(basic_info = basic_info)
input_seq <- set_NAA(input_seq, NAA_re = NAA_list)
input_seq <- set_M(input_seq, M = M_info)
input_seq <- set_catch(input_seq, catch_info = catch_info)
input_seq <- set_F(input_seq, F_info)
input_seq <- set_indices(input_seq, index_info = index_info)
input_seq <- set_q(input_seq, q_info)
input_seq <- set_selectivity(input_seq, selectivity = selectivity)
input_asap <- prepare_wham_input(diff_stocks_asap, selectivity = selectivity, NAA_re = NAA_list)
And the unfit models are equivalent:
nofit_all <- fit_wham(input_all, = FALSE, do.brps = FALSE)
nofit_seq <- fit_wham(input_seq, = FALSE, do.brps = FALSE)
nofit_asap <- fit_wham(input_asap, = FALSE, do.brps = FALSE)
c(nofit_all$fn(), nofit_seq$fn(),nofit_asap$fn()) #equal
c(sum(nofit_asap$par-nofit_all$par), sum(nofit_asap$par-nofit_seq$par)) #all equal
#> [1] 82326.74 82326.74 82326.74
#> [1] 0 0
As are the fitted models:
fit_seq <- fit_wham(input_seq, do.retro = FALSE, do.osa = FALSE, do.sdrep = FALSE, do.brps = FALSE)
fit_all <- fit_wham(input_all, do.retro = FALSE, do.osa = FALSE, do.sdrep = FALSE, do.brps = FALSE)
fit_asap <- fit_wham(input_asap, do.retro = FALSE, do.osa = FALSE, do.sdrep = FALSE, do.brps = FALSE)
c(fit_seq$opt$obj, fit_all$opt$obj, fit_asap$opt$obj) # equal
c(sum(fit_asap$opt$par-fit_all$opt$par), sum(fit_asap$opt$par-fit_seq$opt$par)) #all equal
#> [1] 3000.941 3000.941 3000.941
#> [1] 0 0