Specify model and parameter configuration for catchability
set_q(input, catchability = NULL)
list containing data, parameters, map, and random elements (output from prepare_wham_input
(optional) list specifying options for numbers-at-age random effects, initial parameter values, and recruitment model (see details)
specifies options for catchability. If NULL
and asap3
is not NULL, a single catchability parameter for each index is used with initial values specified in ASAP file. If both are NULL, initial catchabilities for all indices = 0.3.
Otherwise, it is a list with the following optional entries:
Time-varying (random effects) for each index. Vector with length = number of indices.
Each entry of catchability$re
must be one of the following options:
(default) are constant
vary by year and age/par, but uncorrelated
correlated by year (AR1)
Initial catchabilities for each index. vector length = number of indices. Will override values provided in basic_info$q
If basic_info$q
and asap3
are not provided, default q values are 0.3.
Lower bound for catchabilities for each index. vector length = number of indices. For indices with NULL components default lower values are 0.
Upper bound for catchabilities for each index. vector length = number of indices. For indices with NULL components default lower values are 1000.
vector of NA and standard deviations to use for gaussian prior on logit transform of catchability parameter. Length = number of indices.
Indices with non-NA values will have mean logit q as a random effect with mean determined by logit transform of catchability$initial_q
sigma as standard error.
Vector of initial standard deviation values to use for annual random effects for each index. Values are not used if q$re
= "none". Otherwise, a single value for all indices.
Specify which sigma parameters to fix for the random effect deviations. Must be a vector with length = number of indices.
Use NA
to fix a parameter and integers to estimate. Use the same integer for multiple indices to share the same sigma parameter.
Not used if re = 'none'
for all indices.
Vector of initial correlation values to use for annual random effects for each index. If unspecified all initial values are 0. Only used if q$re
= "ar1"
Specify which ar1 correlation parameters to fix for the random effect deviations. Must be a vector with length = number of indices.
If re = 'ar1'
, each element (index) must be a single value. Use NA
to fix a parameter and integers to estimate.
Use the same integer for multiple indices to share the same correlation parameter. Not used if re = 'none'
or re = 'iid'
for all indices.
a named list with same elements as the input provided with catchability options modified.
if (FALSE) {
wham.dir <- find.package("wham")
path_to_examples <- system.file("extdata", package="wham")
asap3 <- read_asap3_dat(file.path(path_to_examples,"ex1_SNEMAYT.dat"))
input <- prepare_wham_input(asap3)
catchability = list(re = c("iid", "none"))
input <- set_q(input, catchability = catchability) #independent time-varying random effects on q for first survey.