Specify model and parameter configuration for movement when input$data$n_regions > 1
set_move(input, move)
list containing data, parameters, map, and random elements (output from wham::prepare_wham_input
(optional) list specifying movement options: model, random effects, initial values, and parameters to fix (see details)
specifies estimation options for movement.
, no movement will occur. If there are multiple regions, each stock will be modeled separately in different regions without movement.
is a list with the following entries:
length = n_stocks, T/F whether each stock can move. If not provided then movement will be defined below for all stocks.
length = n_stocks, T/F whether movement should be modeled separably from mortality or both occuring simultaneously.
matrix (n_regions x (n_regions-1)): model options for fixed effects (mean and possibly variance) for each movement parameter are:
(default) no movement between regions.
estimate a single movement rate to each region shared across all stocks, seasons, ages, years
estimate movement rates to each region for each season shared across all stocks, ages, years
estimate a movement rate for each stock to each region shared across all seasons, ages, years
estimate a movement rate for each stock each season to each region shared across all ages, years
matrix (n_regions x (n_regions-1)): options for age random effects (for each mean parameter defined in move$mean_model
(default) no movement rate random effects by age.
independent movement rate random effects by age.
allow first order autoregressive correlation of movement rate random effects by age.
matrix (n_regions x (n_regions-1)): options for yearly random effects (for each mean parameter defined in move$mean_model
(default) no movement rate random effects by year.
independent movement rate random effects by year.
allow first order autoregressive correlation of movement rate random effects by year.
array (n_stocks x n_seasons x n_regions x n_regions - 1) of sd parameters for normal priors on mean movement parameters on transformed scale (-Inf,Inf)
array (n_stocks x n_seasons x n_regions x n_regions - 1) 0/1 indicator whether to include prior for mean movement parameters in joint log-likelihood.
array (n_stocks x n_seasons x n_regions x n_regions) 0/1 indicator whether movement can occur from one region to another.
array (n_stocks x n_seasons x n_regions) 0/1 indicator whether movement from region must occur.
array (n_stocks x n_seasons x n_regions x n_regions-1) of initial movement rate parameters *from* each region. Usage depends on move$mean_model
array (n_stocks x n_seasons x n_regions x n_regions -1) of initial standard deviations to use for random effects. Usage depends on move$age_re
and move$year_re
array (n_stocks x n_seasons x n_regions x n_regions - 1x 2) of initial correlation values to use for random effects. Usage depends on move$age_re
and move$year_re
cor_vals[,,,,1] is for correlation with age, and cor_vals[,,,,2] is for correlation with year.