Internal function called by retro
for i in 1--n.peels
Fits the model peeling off i years of data (calls fit_tmb
do.sdrep = FALSE,
n.newton = 3,
MakeADFun.silent = FALSE,
retro.silent = FALSE,
save.input = FALSE
Integer, number of years of data to remove before model fitting.
input with same structure as that provided by prepare_wham_input
. May want to use input$par = model$parList to start at MLEs.
T/F, calculate standard deviations of model parameters? Default = FALSE
integer, number of additional Newton steps after optimizafit_tmbtion for each peel. Default = 3
T/F, Passed to silent argument of TMB::MakeADFun
. Default = FALSE
T/F, Passed to argument of internal fit_peel function. Determines whether peel number is printed to screen. Default = FALSE
T/F, should modified input list be saved? Necessary to project from a peel but increases model object size. Default = FALSE
, output of fit_tmb
for peel i